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How To Take The Best Photos of Your Airbnb

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, ‘a picture speaks a thousand words’. In this instance, it really does. Your pictures will become the be all and end all, the make or break and the icing on your fabulously constructed cake. The cake being your Airbnb of course. And the icing? Your photos.

But how do you take the best photos of your Airbnb? Are you tired of colour disorientation, dark shadows and capturing small spaces? Have you given up hope in the perfect advertisement?

Stop frowning. You’ve clicked on the right page because all you need is the following:

[if !supportLists]1) [endif] LET THERE BE LIGHT

Light will be your key to success. Make sure all of the curtains and windows are open. If you live in the United Kingdom, then you and I both know that good weather is a rare commodity so make sure to check the weather forecast in order to pick the best day to take your photos. The more natural light there is the better, as it brings out natural colours and contrasts in your setting and will make your Apartment look more welcoming. So turn on all of the lights and remember to shoot your camera facing away from the window to avoid the light reflecting against your camera.

[if !supportLists]2) [endif]CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN It is important to remove any unnecessary clutter to ensure there is no mess surrounding the area you are capturing. This will make your photo less distracting and will open up the space even more. Nobody wants to notice your takeaway boxes from the night before in the background of your photo. Put yourself in the shoes of your guest. What would attract or put you off in a photo? Re-arrange your flowers so that the tall one sits above the small one, perfectly align your magazines and snap away.

[if !supportLists]3) [endif]SPACIAL AWARENESS Pay attention to the area you want to capture and be aware of your surroundings. For example, capturing a bed close up, with the camera directly facing the wall will make the room appear small, which won’t attract guests. You should stand back and in an angle, remembering to take in the corners of the room to create a wider space.

[if !supportLists]4) [endif]QUALITY AND QUANTITY Although the quality of your photos are extremely important, the quantity of your photos play a huge role too. Nobody wants to view one or two photos, as they are unable to get a feel of your apartment and see the space in which they will be living in. Therefore the more photos you have, the better and more genuine you will appear to be.

Follow these steps and you will have captured successful photos to show off your snazzy pad.

After you have tired yourself out with all of your photography; visit for all in one solutions provided to you which includes high quality bed linen, professional cleaning services and luxury toiletries, allowing you to put your feet up and enjoy your photos!


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